Survival 1.16





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Version: 1.16.5


World Spawn191 61 25
Village 12052 72 -1209
Home2063 77 -1108
savanna2726 69 -2694
Village 22662 69 -2759
Desert2535 67 -1213
home2149 83 -1228
Village 32628 71 -1412
Another mending2620 71 -2824
6 leather 1 em2793 68 -1908
fortress(Nether) 675 61 -1457
turtle nig281 63 122
j tree3693 71 -2548
Obsidian189 11 148
mushroom island3993 66 -4990
Village 4830 65 494
Village 53570 73 -4049
Village 63172 73 -1476
Village 73928 73 -1802
Village 84118 72 -1749
coral5725 61 -6827
Village 91167 64 1548
shti mansion8016 85 -21175
pillage 210963 69 -10812
The end(End) 70 60 -8
Village 10 Snow613 68 -11065
canyon3597 40 -4175
cobbled deep-5230 9 -1179
Village 114839 76 -3801
Village 126311 69 -4524
Nether 1(Nether) 111 65 -1514
silk touch6300 69 -4527
Village 139862 69 -7455
mending 36322 72 -4544
slimeball5045 64 -2060
end city tw(End) -1529 71 -5675
stronghold5039 37 -6432
PillagerOutpost158 70 -2243
shinobu high2180 148 -759
clay land2326 79 -4603
Nether 2(Nether) 339 15 362
sumo duel2045 76 -1236
y=2001937 200 -1105
y=2301932 231 -1088
cobweb village12323 66 -15137
Village 143798 68 -1501
bamboo forest6282 65 -2990
Village 153733 84 -206
South Point3555 72 191
Forzen Ocean5692 72 -4692
Village 161291 68 2129
Village 173699 69 15952
Blackstone(Nether) -503 34 -1253
Village 183763 69 16614
Village 193726 69 17944
Village 203822 71 18563
Village 212801 69 20957
Nether 3(Nether) 258 43 -149
End City 1(End) -8876 58 985
blaze grinder2092 74 -1167
ARENA2065 96 -1019
End City 2(End) -1513 149 -6083
DharMannStudios2115 64 -1046
igloo villager1283 34 -10984
Guardian Farm(Nether) 1283 57 -986
guard farm up10304 109 -7840
Village 22-1987 67 -1017
&6&l 1.17-5263 64 -1155
Deepslate-5238 13 -1175
Axolotl4902 23 -6397
stronghold5048 37 -6462
Spruce Wood12436 66 -15114
end portal5023 44 -6401
Warp Forest(Nether) 499 40 1148
End City 3(End) -2489 117 -6678
Village 23-5940 70 -1224
Village 24-6347 73 -1210
oh hi mark2201 71 -1129
bastion(Nether) -90 61 -286
mine(Nether) 108 13 -311
Village 25-1493 63 -267
Village 263596 76 19487
Village 27-7049 69 -1415
village 28-9990 70 -933
GOAT-17893 82 -1126
Amethyst Geode-18291 42 237